Wish List…. Everyone has one, here is mine!

I walked home from lab too tired and too frustrated with where my life is going and how monotonous, colourless and lifeless it has become. It was one of those days when nothing is going right in your life, you hit an all time low (like rock bottom low!!) and start having emotional bouts….. I came home sat on my bed with a thump and almost at the verge of crying or shouting as I was missing my family, my friends, my former carefree life, but most of all I was missing ME (it happens very rarely to me…. That I feel lost and alone).
At that very moment I remembered something…. I started digging into my bag looking for my dairy (where I scribble stupid ramblings my mind comes up with!!)….. By now I am sure even you guys must have guessed what it was that I remembered…. Yeah like so many of us even I had listed a few things I wanted to do before I die!!
Here is my “things to do” list.
I have completed a few of them and I am working through the rest of it….
  • ·         Sing karaoke in public.
  • ·         Learn to play violin and drums.
  • ·         Survive just on chocolates for a day J
  • ·         Dance in the rain without being conscious of what people will think.
  • ·         Get a tattoo done.
  • ·         See places but taking my own time.
  • ·         Buy my parents something from my first salary.
  • ·         Learn photography.
  • ·         Whistle at a handsome guy (trust me you need a lot of guts for doing that).
  • ·         Bungee jumping.
  • ·         Learn to ride a motor cycle.
  • ·         Own a motor cycle.
  • ·         Go on an adventure trip to leh on motor cycle.
  • ·          Learn ballroom dancing (properly).
  • ·         Learn to bartend.
  • ·         Go scuba diving.
  • ·         Adopt a girl child.
  • ·         Get a PhD.
  • ·         Get crazily drunk (without minding the fact that I am losing control of my brain).  
  • ·         Get highlights for my hair (for a week tops).
  • ·         Be awake all night staring at the sky sleeping under the stars.
  • ·         Stay outside on my own.
  • ·         Take a ride on the highest roller coaster in the country.
  • ·         Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, instead of just thinking about it.
  • ·         Write a letter to all your friends and family.
  • ·         Sky dive.
  • ·         Take swimming lessons.
  • ·         Learn 5 new languages 2 of them foreign.
  • ·         Send a message in a bottle.
  • ·         Write a novel I know I have in my head.
  • ·         Own a house far from the city and its craziness.
  • ·         Paint and decorate my room.
  • ·         Find out what I love and do that for a job.
  • ·         Be more optimistic and enthusiastic in life.
  • ·         Learn to fly a plane.
  • ·         Spend a whole day reading a great novel.
  • ·         Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home (just once).
  • ·         Wish on a wishing star and hope the wish comes true.
  • ·         Learn to ride a horse.
  • ·         Go out with friends in the middle of the night just to have a cup of tea.  


  1. totally awesome !!! wow !! an amazing post !!! n lol whistle at a guy ?? hahha whatever the list is crazy ,spirited n feels lyk U !! :):)

  2. he he tanq u :)i really wanna do it sometime u know just coz i consider him good looking!! :P i hope i can complete at least half of the things on that list!! :)

  3. Woww! I came across this now!! Learn to play violin, learn photography...., bungee jump,... and few more are in my list too! impressive one! :) :) Keep posting :) :)

  4. ha ha ha thanks a lot preet :) bungee jumping and a few others lets think of doing together what say?? :)

  5. pRATIII!!!!!!God!! This is cooolll!! Now I got answers as to why you want to get drunk , why learn photography,etc,. Ha ha ha..:). Remember, I'm right next to you to accomplish most of them!!Hugs!:).

  6. ha ha ha don't even think that i am gonna leave you out of any of this craziness :) and yeah one of the reasons for getting drunk is that :) :D

  7. I guess u can scratch out scuba diving now ??!! :D :)

    1. Ha ha will do it now :) was waiting to write something about the awesome experience but may be later!! il scratch it off first :D


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