Four days in heaven - Day two:

He had not slept a wink the whole night. He was happy, very happy.
He rose from his bed as the first rays of breaking dawn infiltrating through the window touched his face. He looked out into the buzz of morning life. Just beyond the road from his apartment was a playground where he could see the happy sweaty faces of teenagers playing ball. He knew what it felt like with friends around…. Life with friends was bliss.
His friends had always played a major role in his life. But off late he couldn't remember when was the last time he had spoken to any of his friends. Part of it was because his work consumed most of his time and energy. Rest of it had been due to Neha’s continued crabbiness and shopping sprees. Between juggling with Neha’s bitching and work pressure he had somehow managed to loose all his friends (people who ones meant the world to him!!). Also he remembered Neha had never liked his friends (not really… she had pretended to like them in the beginning…). She felt it was below her to speak to them and always nagged and complained about his friends conduct and eminence. Looking back now he couldn’t remember what was it that held them (Neha and him) together in the first place…. And he also started regretting that he had stopped talking to his friends (only people who understood him) for Neha and a good for nothing job!!!
Now that he was free of Neha and all the compulsions he previously had…. He thought of contacting all his friends. He knew he had ignored them when they tried to call him out of his world (for lunch or just to spend time with him) intentionally avoiding them. He knew he had acted like a coward giving in to Neha’s pestering. But now he would try amending…. Apologize to all his friends for hurting their feelings and ask for a second chance. He knew somewhere deep in his heart that he would be forgiven for all his mistakes and short comings.
There was no bound to his happiness because even after so many years none his friends had given up on him and had taken him back like he had not done anything wrong. He dint know what he had done right to deserve such wonderful friends.
It had been an hour back… he had spoken to all his friends over phone and tried to apologize for his foolhardiness only to be told that they were happy he realised he was making himself miserable and had no grudges about him disregarding them. After clearing that out he had spent rest of his time catching up on all the things he had missed out on…. It was only then that he realised even they had changed and moved on but unlike him they had not lost the essence of their being and also unlike him they had “moved on” together never losing each other in the process of achieving their own goals. All this time while he was trying to find himself and his spirit….searching in all the wrong places only to realize he was still where he had first started….. He had lost those precious moments he hadn’t spent with his friends…. but he would make up for it now.
He had made plans of meeting them and all of them had agreed…. So he was going to meet them all this Saturday for dinner (he would cook for them because he knew how much they liked his cooking…. Another thing which Neha had never appreciated). He had so much to say to them and so much to listen to.

That day he slept peacefully with a smile on his face and dreams in his heart.


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