CHIMERA….. Looking into a bubble for YOU!

I am afraid the bubble might burst any minute….

Everyone says you are not real but just someone I have fabricated out of my dreams!! Is that true!? Don’t you exist at all (may be somewhere far away from here!!)? I know you are not perfect (you cannot be) no one is! But for me you are next to perfect. I have searched for you in a crowd of strange faces, I have sometimes caught a glimpse of you but never really found you.
Sometimes I ask myself if you are REALLY real… and then my mind starts doubting the very subsistence of YOU!! If you are just my imagination then why do you seem so authentic to me…. Like you are just across the street and will appear from behind the wall of the street beyond if I look long enough. I can hear you even when I am not listening and feel your presence in strangest of places.
When life is dealing me some rough cards I comfort myself by the thought of you being with me next time round just to assure me and be my strength at such trying times. Even my mental image of you is good enough for me to go on head held high with a hope of better tomorrow. But even with all my conviction of you being “real” if you are not then…. it’s still good enough because even the illusory figment of you gives me a strange kind of peace and something fine to hope for (that in the end everything will be alright).

I can only hope that YOU won’t let me down!!!


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