Time bound!!

Dear Mr. Time

You always come at the wrong moment and ditch me when I need you the most! I always lose track of you. And you are always too fast to keep up with. I wait for you always but you never wait for me.
I feel my life sucks because of you and till date you have not given me a reason to believe otherwise! We should work on our relationship. Period.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate you but I am not a great fan of yours either. You make me feel incompetent and like a loser.
Let’s make a deal you and I. you go slow and I will try catching up with you and we can walk together.



  1. hahha !! interesting conversation !! :D .. although Mr. Time has'nt yet replied ;)

    1. He he thats what I mean! He always ignores me! Always! :)

    2. Interesting :) The greatest joy comes when you lose time and there you are a winner.


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