Veiled feelings

Flowers make me smile.

Rain gives me courage to dance.

Birds inspire me to sing.

Children teach me innocence.

Open roads beckon me to choose a path for life.

Rivers show me that nothing is permanent and everything in life has to change.

Ocean shows me the strength of serenity and peace.

Breeze at the zenith of a mountain provokes me to fly.

Open fields give me a sense of freedom.

Night brings with it the colourful memories of past.

Shadows are my sole companion when I am lonely.

Early morning sun brings hope of a new beginning.

Seasons reveal that what goes... comes back (in a circle).

Ants remind me that success come to those who work for it.

Books bring out my emotional side (good, bad and ugly all at ones).

But you are the heart that beats for me to live and not just exist.


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